
Student body presidents from more than 100 colleges across the country have signed onto a letter urging Congress and the White House to quickly reach a consensus on the debt ceiling crisis. The bipartisan group of leaders, who represent almost 2 million college students, called on President Obama, Leaders Reid & McConnell, Speaker Boehner and Leader Pelosi to support “Gang of Six” efforts to cut the deficit, reform the tax code, and preserve entitlements. 

“Your decisions will determine what kind of country we will inherit. So please hear us clearly: It is time to put the politics aside. It is time to put the parties aside,” the presidents wrote in their letter. “It is time to put the pledges aside. Now is the time to do what is right for the country. As fiscal commission co-chairs Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson have said – now, right now, is the moment of the truth.”

College of William and Mary student Kaveh Sadeghian, who is one of the student body presidents who signed onto the letter, spoke with CNN yesterday about the importance of reaching a bipartisan deal.

“We feel like Washington has been kind of kicking the can about this, but we’re here to show that the can can kick back,” Sadeghian said. “Our generation is going to be homeowners one day, we’re going to be parents one day, this is going to be affecting us for years to come.  So this is something we feel we need to have a voice in as well.”