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Congress and the White House have a limited time to reach a compromise on taxes and spending to avoid going off a "fiscal cliff" at the end of the year. While some are not optimistic that a deal will be reached this month, Virginia Sen. Mark Warner believes we won't go over the cliff.
There’s a big downside if we fail – and a tremendous upside if we succeed.” That’s how Senator Warner summed up the current situation in Washington as Congress and the White House discuss ways to avoid the looming fiscal cliff – the combination of defense spending cuts and the expiration of tax cuts set to occur simultaneously at the beginning of the new year.

Forward motion

Mar 10 2011

Since Monday’s town hall with business leaders in Richmond, the bipartisan efforts of Senators Warner and Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) have gotten more attention. Their role in leading the so-called “Gang of Six” in proposing a responsible, long-range plan to cut spending, reform taxes and strengthen entitlement programs like Social Security has been endorsed by newspapers across Virginia.