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Senator Warner was happy to take a break from today’s meetings and votes to speak with more than 30 students and teachers from Page County High School, who had made the long trip up to Washington this morning to explore the nation’s capital. 

The seniors had spent the morning visiting monuments and museums, and appeared to appreciate the opportunity to visit with the Senator on the Capitol Hill.

“How do you like being Senator?”, one asked.

“In business or as Governor, it’s a little easier to get things done, Sen. Warner replied. “But on days here when you do accomplish something, it’s rewarding.”

Sen. Warner also spoke with the students about civic responsibility. “I’m always working up here to try and get people to work together,” he told them. “Y’all need to remember to register and vote, because otherwise your voice is lost.  And we need every voice we can get if we’re going to get Washington working again.”

“I’ll tell you one thing I’m not going to ask,” Sen. Warner continued. “You seniors are all probably sick of people asking you what your plans are now, aren’t you?”

“YES,” the students replied in unison.