Press Releases

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) today applauded the passage of a bill to continue providing financial support to those who suffered physical harm or families of those who were killed as a result of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks or ensuing debris removal efforts. With the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) set to expire in 2020, the bipartisan Never Forget the Heroes: James Zadroga, Ray Pfeifer, and Luis Alvarez Permanent Authorization of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Act will secure funding for the VCF through Fiscal Year 2090 and ensure that all first responders and victims suffering from certified 9/11 illnesses can continue to count on this crucial program.

“Virginians will never forget 9/11 or the brave individuals who put their lives on the line in service of their fellow Americans. Unfortunately, many first responders and survivors today are reminded of that fateful day by the health issues they now face,” said the Senators. “While we can never repay the sacrifices of our first responders or their families, we can at least ensure that they receive the financial support they deserve. We applaud the passage of this important bill and urge the President to sign it into law as soon as possible.”

During the September 11th terrorist attacks, thousands of first responders and survivors were exposed to toxic materials, including burning chemicals, pulverized drywall and powdered cement. As a result of this exposure, many victims and first responders have become injured, fallen ill or lost their lives. The VCF provides compensation for those affected and has awarded more than $5 billion in benefits, with approximately 21,000 claims pending. From the Pentagon, 152 responders and 69 non-responders filed claims. Of those, the fund approved 36 claims by responders and thus far paid 32. It has also approved 16 claims from non-responders and paid all 16. In addition to reauthorizing funding, this legislation will also modify the VCF by allowing claims to be filed until October 2089 and adjusting the annual limit on economic loss compensation to account for inflation.

The bipartisan bill, introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), passed through the House earlier this month by a 402-12 vote. It passed through the senate by a vote of 97-2.
