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Senator Warner sent a letter raising concerns about the latest delay in the Metro’s Silver Line project. The Silver Line will eventually connect Loudoun, Fairfax, and Arlington counties with Dulles Airport and downtown DC via rapid-transit public transportation. Phase 1 of the project was supposed to open this month, but the opening date has been pushed by to April following several delays.

In his letter, Senator Warner asked the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA), the agency in charge of the project, for a firm date for when Phase 1 of the Silver Line will open. He argued that, with every month of delay, the traveling public suffers and millions of dollars in fare revenue are lost.

“As you finish your critical safety testing, I urge that you do everything in your power to complete the work as quickly and responsibly as possible and avoid further delays so that our region’s commuters and travelers can benefit from this crucial transportation link,” Senator Warner said.