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Photo credit: AP/CBS News

Senator Warner and his colleague Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) appeared on CBS’s Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer on Sunday to discuss the impasse in the debt limit negotiations and their own year-long, bipartisan efforts through the Gang of Six. 

“My feeling has been we're still the only bipartisan effort in this town,” Senator Warner said. “Over a third of the Senate has agreed to try to move forward with our $3.7 trillion deficit reduction plan.”

“We know that every household in America is going to be affected in a negative way just by virtue of the fact that credit card interest, interest on commercial loans is going to increase” Senator Chambliss said. “It's time for the real leadership in a bipartisan way in the House and Senate to get together and come up with some proposal that can pass the House and the Senate”

Video is below. The full transcript is available here