Press Releases

WASHINGTON— U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, issued this statement regarding reports that the Trump Administration is considering an executive order to review interrogation policies:

“A ban on torture is not simply a matter of policy – it is U.S. law. I will not accept any attempt by this Administration to circumvent that policy, directly or through others. 

“I have spoken this morning with CIA Director Pompeo and Secretary of Defense Mattis and reiterated that any attempt by this Administration to restart torture is absolutely unacceptable, and I will strongly oppose it.

"I intend to hold nominees, including Director Pompeo and Secretary Mattis, to their sworn testimony to follow the law banning the use of enhanced interrogation techniques. I will insist on similar ironclad assurances from DNI-designate Coats. And I will vigorously oppose any attempt to return to the ineffective practices of the past, and actively encourage my colleagues to do the same.”
