Press Releases

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sens. Mark Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) released the following statement after the Senate approved a stopgap funding bill to fund some parts of the government through March 1 and others through March 8. This bill will keep the government open through early March by reauthorizing spending at Fiscal Year 2023 levels.

“It’s unfortunate that we once again need to step in at the eleventh hour to avert a government shutdown due to Congress’ inability to pass full spending bills in a timely manner. We urge House Republicans to put brinksmanship aside and join us in passing today’s legislation without delay. It’s time for Congress to start treating funding deadlines seriously and provide the government and the American people with the funding needed to respond to the novel needs of a new fiscal year. We look forward to working with our colleagues these next six weeks to fulfill Congress’ most basic duty and finally push a bipartisan long-term agreement through the finish line.”

This legislation marks the third time that Congress has punted its responsibility to deliver a spending bill for Fiscal Year 2024, having previously passed continuing resolutions on September 30 and November 17.
