
Senator Mark Warner joined WTOP morning show hosts Mike Moss and Bruce Alan today to talk about the year ahead including possible areas where legislators can find bipartisan solutions. But, before they dug into any details the hosts poked fun at the extreme weather brought on by the Polar Vortex and asked the Senator whether current weather conditions would have him reconsider living in his beloved home state of Virginia. The Senator had a good laugh but said his heart was with the Commonwealth “deep and through.”

The hosts then asked Senator Warner if we can expect any bipartisan efforts from Congress this year.

“Every piece of legislation I am working on right now is bipartisan, every single one has a Republican cosponsor,” Senator Warner said. “I spent three years working on getting a grand bargain for the budget and which I still think is the best thing we could do to jump start the economy. This economy is ready to come back. What has been the biggest overhang has been the dysfunction in Washington. I am a little more optimistic than I was we go the two year budget bill in place, we got a defense bill and we are gonna get an appropriations bill out in the next two weeks.”

“There are still deep divisions. We have to build individual trust. Not every issue breaks down on party lines,” said Senator Warner.