
Senator Warner updated Virginia reporters today on his efforts to find a bipartisan solution to the nation's deficit and debts. The effort experienced a bit of a setback on Tuesday when one of the Republican members of the so-called “Gang of Six” announced he was “taking a break” from the bipartisan initiative.

Senator Warner compared his efforts on the Gang of Six to his work as Governor of Virginia, when he worked across party lines in 2004 to turn a state budget deficit into a surplus.

“This is kind of 2004 on steroids, in terms of its importance,” he said. "There were three or four times when that [2004] effort was written off, and there are bumps along the way with this one. But I still expect that we are going to have a product. I still think the right approach is a comprehensive approach … and that’s what this bipartisan group is going to keep working towards.”

“This has been a rollercoaster,” Warner said. “But we’ve made way too much progress to not keep moving forward.”