Press Releases

Date Title
6/22/09 Warner, Corker Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Maximize Taxpayer Returns of TARP Investments
6/19/09 Sen. Warner: ITC Ruling is Step Toward Needed Relief for Tire Workers
6/19/09 Webb & Warner Announce $1 million grant for Rural Water Project in Carroll County
6/15/09 Warner Introduces Legislation Enhancing Senior Health Care Choices
6/12/09 Warner & Webb Announce $17.7 Million Grant to Upgrade Metrorail Services
6/10/09 Virginia & Maryland Senators Introduce Legislation to Support Chesapeake Bay Clean-up
6/8/09 Warner, Webb Introduce Bill to Protect Bedford's National D-Day Memorial
6/2/09 Webb, Warner Recommend Justice Barbara Keenan for Fed. Appeals Court Vacancy
5/25/09 Warner visits Virginia Troops in Iraq on Memorial Day Weekend
5/14/09 Statement on FTC's Action on Robocall Scams
5/12/09 Warner & Schumer Announce FTC Crackdown on Bogus "Car Warranty" Phone Scams
5/8/09 Webb & Warner Announce $772,135 Security Grant for Roanoke Airport
5/7/09 Webb & Warner announced $77.3M for Dulles Rail
4/28/09 Warner, Martinez and Brown Introduce TARP Transparency Act
4/19/09 Joint Statement on Appointment of Nation's First Chief Technology Officer
4/9/09 Statement on the Pentagon’s Decision to Defer Decision on Carrier Homeporting
3/31/09 Warner & Webb Announce $5.2 Million to Strengthen Virginia's Local Health Programs
3/26/09 Budget Committee Adopts Two Warner Amendments
3/26/09 Senate Adopts 'Serve America Act'; Includes Sen. Warner's Military Veterans' Corps
3/24/09 Floor Speech: Greater Accountability, Transparency in the Budget Process
3/17/09 Warner Joins Colleagues in Demanding Repayment of AIG Bonuses
3/6/09 Warner & Webb Announces $39.8 Million in Public Safety Funds for Virginia
3/5/09 Warner and Webb Announce $116 Million in Transit Funding from Economic Recovery Package for Virginia
3/4/09 Speech: Health Care Reform
2/10/09 Statement on Senate Passage of the Recovery & Reinvestment Act